Tuesday, February 26, 2008

A little taste

Finally! Thanks to Donn I was finally able to upload this small video of the drive to work.

I promised I would get some footage of the drive into work. The drive usually takes about 45 minutes to an hour for me to get to work but today traffic was light so I think it only took about 40 minutes. Here is a quick clip of the traffic. I will get some other clips when the traffic gets really backed up. Enjoy!


Donn Felker said...

Its nuts over there. Check out this video of the traffic. Is this what its like in a busy traffic? I can't imagine.


Unknown said...

I can't believe that. Makes me happy to be here!!

William Taylor said...

The link Donn posted is exactly what driving is like here but again I say the traffic is usually worse than that. And don't get me started about trying to cross the street.

I had to walk down the street this morning to find an ATM and the worse part was crossing the street. You gotta be quick on those feet when you get in the paint.